The factory produced many braided leather belts, many people have interest in braided leather technique, now the factory complied some basic knowledge about the braided leather technique.
The belt we buy from stores are qualified products, but during the producing, factory would produce some defective products, today we will show you to look at the poor belts' common problem.
The flat braided leather technique is the most basic braiding technique, and three-string flat braided leather is the simplest in the three flat weaving techniques. Make three leather string overlap with each other is the basic braiding technique, suitable for using in bracelets and collars.
The J.D. Leather Goods have passed factory audit by many customers, most of brands require factory to do factory audit. But do you know “what is the factory audit?”
Many people wear leather belts, but they don’t know leather belt can be classified into many of types. Full grain leather belt is one kind of leather belt. Today, let’s talk about what is the full grain leather belt.
In the factory, we can see all kinds of belts which is made of different materials, and many people should be interested in this question: what are leather belts made of? Here, the J.D. Leather Goods are sum up the main materials of belts.
Almost everybody wears belt but do you know how to decide the suitable size when you buy belts at shops? Most of us are not clear about it. Today let the factory give you the best answer.