A handbag is not just a handbag for us, It is the symbol of character, occupation, status, rank and taste. Relative to the fashion clothing, the delicate handbags will be popular for longer time. Therefore, it has to be more artful while choosing handbags. An one in a million handbag plays the prominent role in the life. As the leather handbag, how to distinguish genuine leather?
- Touch the handbag leather
Touching the surface of leather, It is genuine leather if feel slippery, soft, plump and stretchy. And the artificial leather is poor softness and stretchy.
- Watch the handbag leather
Genuine leather has clear pore and pattern. Cow leather has uniform small pores. Yak leather has rough and sparse pores. Goat leather has fish scales shape pores.
- Smell the handbag leather
Genuine leather smells like leather fragrance, and the artificial leather smell like stimulus plastic oder.
- Burning
After burning, genuine leather’s smell likes hair, but the artificial leather’s smell is pungent taste.
- Water absorption identification
Genuine leather owns strong water imbibition, but the artificial leather hardly can waterproof.