J.D. Leather Goods is a leather goods manufacturer in Guangdong Province of China, where is a big province of handbags manufacturing and exporting. J.D. is the keenest to understand current market quality requirements for PU Material as a manufacturer in China, so let’s talk about the PU material standard of China.
In our daily life, we will face different occasion. On the different occasion, different bags take different effect. The following is the bag classification and bags’ detail. Here are our familiar handbags, backpack, duffel Bag, etc.
Recently, Guangzhou Huadu District police crack down on a den of manufacturing and selling fake. Now, China attaches great importance to protect intellectual property and crack down on fakes.
Have you envy other people carry a handmade leather bags. Do you want to make a personality leather bags? Now, you have a chance to learn how make a handmade beautiful pink leather bags.
Handbag is the necessity for every lady, especially the handmade handbag. It is not difficult to imagine that a lady carries handmade handbag and show temperament, confidence as well as elegance. The following is the step to make a concise handmade handbag.
All kinds of braided belts are so appealing, they can show you the personality and pursuit. Do you want to learn how to braid belts? Fortunately, here is the 15 methods of belt braiding.
Mrs Amy, who is charge of Hadley (alternative name), visited J.D. Leather Goods on March 11, 2017 for sample and factory evaluation. Miss Ivy warmly received her and discussed the Eddie Bauer(an USA outdoorsman brand) in details.
There are many types of leather. In the market, we can often see leather/pigskin / sheepskin/deerskin / rabbit skin, etc.. Also according to the each leather's different characteristics, tanning and cutting methods, the prices vary greatly.