In daily life, handbag is daily supplies. When using handbag, you will always find the zippers problems. Now, Our factory shares the handbag zippers repair methods.
A handbag is not just a handbag for us, It is the symbol of character, occupation, status, rank and taste. Relative to the fashion clothing, the delicate handbags will be popular for longer time. Therefore, it has to be more artful while choosing handbags. An one in a million handbag plays the prominent role in the life. As the leather handbag, how to distinguish genuine leather?
About the maintenance handbags, it still reminds users of employ handbags with caution. Random is not our characteristics, you should prevent the fouling and oil from your handbags. Be more carefully, your handbags can do for you more than a few years.
Many people like leather belts, people do not like PU belt for many reasons, but super fiber PU belt leather belt should make a lot of people like to fall in love with it.
Recently, the news about “iPhone trademark owned by a Chinese company” is very popular in China. This is a major event in the mobile phone industry, it is a major event in the leather collar. Because the Chinese company "新通天地" obtained the trademark rights of "IPHONE" in 18 classes.
In the previous article (The Dyes of Belt Hand-Dyed), we introduced the dye used in vegetable-tanned leather belt hand-dyeing, here we will introduce some dressing agent in dyed process.